Blacksmith Association of Missouri

        Dedicated to the preservation and advancement of the blacksmithing art and craft.
Founded 11/4/1983.
Celebrating 40 years of BAM - Founded 11/4/1983
"Back in the early days of BAM everything was new to us. Our meetings were held in old garages and sheds, and we would huddle around the anvil as everyone took turns demonstrating his newest discovery. The members who knew how to forge weld seemed to posses some magical power that elluded the rest of us. They would smash together white hot steel as we watched in amazement. Like growing up, there was a newness about it all that could only happen once." - Jerry Hoffmann

The new BAM Sitewill go live on August 1, 2024.

After this date this site will no longer be updated.

The old site and pages will remain so all your old Bookmarks will still work but no new content will be added.

If you want to try out the new BAM Website follow this link: NEW BAM SITE
We are still working out the kinks and this site will remain up until August 1, 2024.


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  BAM Tailgate  
Check out the items for sale.
  BAM seqment on PBS show Making
    2020 Telly Award
  What is BAM? - What are the membership benefits?
  BAM is a 501 ( c ) ( 3 ) Public Charity. What does that mean?

(*Note: Tuition Assistance is for Non-BAM Classes and applicant must be a member in good standing for two prior years to apply for Tuition Assistance)   

  Join BAM's "Around the Anvil" Newsgroup  
  BAM Contacts  
  Classes Schedule MTS Beginner Workshops  
  Classes Schedule MTS Power Hammer Workshops  

  Need Coal??? Click here for a map of our Coal Stations.

  BAM Awards Page  
  BAM FaceBook Page

 Check the BAM events calendar for future meeting schedule. Click on the event on the calendar display for more information and a map to the event.

  BAM Events Calendar  

Click on the address listed in the meeting information for a Google map to the meeting location.

Learn the fundamentals of Blacksmithing from Bob Alexander.

Beginner and intermediate classes are being offered at Mueller Industries (via Craft Central), 12951 Maurer Industrial Dr. St. Louis, 63127

To see class listings or to register for classes, visit our website,

For more information call 314-842-0796


  Reference Material  

  Blacksmith books - Free Downloads  

  BAM Newsletter Archive   **All issues 1983 to current issue.

  Silver Wire Inlay   - information by Bob Stormer
  Pep Gomez Handout - 2018 Conference   
  Scott Payne's demo on JCCFS class- 18th Century Six Arm Chandelier  
  Scott Payne's article on JCCFS class- 18th Century Hearth Equipment   
  Bob Patrick Fabricated Firepot  
  Template for Bob Patrick Fabricated Firepot  
  Larry Hults 3 Burner Forge Plans  
  Larry Hults Burner Plans  
  Dave Smucker - Heat Treating  
  Other ABANA Chapter Newsletters Online  
  Stock Lengths for Rings   
  BAM Library  
  Power Hammer Page (New England Blacksmiths)  
  Online Book Vendors  
  Sheet Metal Sizes/Decimal Equivalents  
  Online Blacksmith & Knifemaker Forums  
  Blacksmith Schools  
  ABANA Controlled Hand Forging Program  

  Shop Notes     Members Gallery     Member's Web Sites  
  Demonstrator List  

For more information and a printable application form.Click Here